You Keep Me Going Crazy.
Date : Monday, September 20, 2010
Time : 12:04 AM
Title :

it's qonna be awhile tat i'm not qoinq down ,...
i've qot too study andd stay home ,...
i really miss all of the puniyacheysss family !!
i love all of u quys,, without u quys , my life will be meaninqless ,...

Kechyk pinky: heyyss bestie ,... ur the best of all !! u alwaes make my day ,, ur smile and ur wonderful voice jus puts on a smile on my face each day ,... i love u bestie ,.. ur soo wonderful !!

kamal rahimi: thanks for all the memories i shared wip u since the startinq of 3rd may 2010 ,,,, i swear it was jus wonderful and sadness memories which i totally enjoyed .... watever i said too u in the mcq, i doo mean it deep down my heart !! i sumpah !!! if u think it was easy for me too forqet u well let me tell u tat ur TOTALLY WRONG !!! i do still like u dari dulu ,.... i still call u my Teddy ~~

abq nas: thanks for alwaes beinq there for me ,,,,. wenever i needed help u will alwaes be the first one i talk too ,,,... u alwaes try ur best too comfort me wen i'm down/sad... ur the best abq ,~~~

zicky: ur the most wonderful ex i had ever have ,, thankiue for the memoreis ,.. i hope u will find the qerl of ur dream ,,,. :)) ... sowie if i had ever hurt ur heart ,... i'm sowie ,,~

adq haikal: ooohh adq tershyqankush ,, i'm soo qonna miss u ,.. u never fail to make me lauqh especially wen u do stupid thinqs ampai hidunq petak ,...hahahahs ,.. adq oohh adq ,... :)~~

abq orix: i wanna say thanks for all ur help tis while ,,, alwaes keepinq me accompany.~~

akaq shahidah: iloveu soo much !! u are alwaes there for me ,... thanks forr confortinq me wen i cried ,.. thanks fro understandinq !!! ilove u soo much ! bina taqkn lupe akaq !!!!!

rikki: dearest frewn ... i may say that i hate u but u noe i'm only jokinq around ,,,.. : P

ur help and comfort pluss lectures are totally appreciated by me ... i will keep all ur lectures andd advices in me alwaes ,... i pwomise !!

kambenq: bina naq ckp thanks cqt cqt for ur care all tis while !!
i love u second bestie !!

syuk qala : i miss u ,, i miss ur kecoh2 !! u alwaes make me laugh out loud !!!!

adq irahh: ur the sweetest qerl i've ever meet ,,,. i love u andd miss u bbyqerl ~~~

ayu: i'm sowie if i've qurau2 kasar wip u pasal asri ,, i was jus jokinq arnd ,.. dun take it too heart ,.. ur soo cute wen u smile at me !!! naq cubit ur pipi jeqq ,.. heheheh

haizil , hady , fezah ,celak ,amirul ,hadii , azroy , afiq ,,,,,,.
thanks u quys for sume sume !!! u quys will alwaes be in my heart !!

Kowanq Kowanq Slalu Inqt Taw ,, Wlau Baqaimane Pun ,, U Guys Will Alwaes Be In My Heart ,..
U Guys Are Number One !!!


Date : Friday, September 17, 2010
Time : 12:28 AM
Title :

haven't been updatinq uhrr ,...,

life is jus like a piece of paper too me riqht now ,..
it can be easily torn into pieces ,,.haisss

tis year raya like notynk much like tat cheyy ,. bowink ,..
aqyk2 wn't be clebratinq wip bestie coz his qoinq bck kampunq ,,, damn ~!
kechyk pinky i love u eventhouqh u miqht be far away from me but still alwaes kept deep down in my heart !!! i swear !

memories of u will alwaes be kept in me ,..
iloveu cqt cqt ~!!! :((

  • The Girl, BinaSiow.

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    I'am Sabrina. Bina will do.
    I love being crazy all the times.
    I'm a good girl with bad habits.
    & i'm friendly people! :D

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