You Keep Me Going Crazy.
Date : Saturday, August 28, 2010
Time : 5:18 AM
Title :

i lost my most wonderful bbygerl ,, ^^mirshasewel^^

it's all my fault.,,
i'm jus a Bitch u knoe ,.!
iif i had kept my mouth shut ,, i guess tis won't happen at all !!!
y am i soo stupid ???!
i've never blamed u about ayul ,.. i swear !
it's not ur fault ,. its jus he took advantaqe of ur love towards him ,..
i'm anqry wip hym not u ,.

i really reqret for not keepinq the secret between us ,.
i'm really really sowie !!!!
losinq u as a bbygerl hurts soo much !!
i've never fiqht wip u since sec 1 ,.. but now coz of me we're futher apart .,,
we used too be closee ,.. we used too share secrets everyday ,,..
we used too make jokes toqether ,. we used too disturb people toqether ,..
we used too be close frewns ,.. but now wat is left is jus MEMORIES ,,
but not jus ordinary memorie but its WONDERFUL MEMORIES !!!

i jus love u bbygerl eventhough we are qettinq further apart by each day ,.
i hope my sins are forqiven !!!
once aqain i'm totally sowie !!!!!!!!!!!

Date : Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Time : 7:02 AM
Title : kechyk pinky ^^

went out too eshun too slack ,..
haisss ,. had a bad dae ,.!

arnd 7.30 i left eshun too proceed too meet my frewns at woodland plakk ,.
went too admiralty qarden ,. meet up wip the rest ,..

very SHOCK too see my bestie sleepinq !
didn't want too wake hym up ,.
he was tired ,. tat was wat the others told me ,.

finally he woke up ,..
i was like soo damn happie ,.
huq hym tite !!
i asked him too sinq for me a sonq ,..
lonq tyme never hear his voice ,..!

he sanq for me a sonq ,. i actually felt like cryinq ,.!!
i missed hym alot alot sia !!
we played taiti toqether ,.. took pictures toqether ,. eventhough it was uqly butt soo wat ??
i still love it cause memories counts not face ,.

had too qoo home at 9.30 ,..
wanted too qoo home ,.. he huq me soo tite ! like as if i'm his teddy bear ,..heehs !
if i wanted too follow my way ,. i didn't want too leave tat early cheeyy .,, haisss !

i made hym pwomise me tat he won't do anytynk stupid anymore ,. andd he did ,. heehs
i'm soo qlad too have a bestie like KECHYK PINKY !!


Date : Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Time : 12:40 PM
Title : too my bestie tershayanqq !!! =((

His Name Is Kechyk pinky ,..

His My Bestie For Life ,..

Had Lots Of Memoriable tyme wip hym ,.

hasisss ,.. now he is goinq far away from me ,..

his qoona shift too malaysia ,..=((

qonna miss hym like hell sak !!!!!

but he pwomise me tat he will come down too sinqapore too meet me andd the others ,..

wateva it is ,.. even if ur far or near ,,. u will alwaes be remembered ,..

binasiow missh kechyk pinky !!

Date : Monday, August 9, 2010
Time : 9:21 AM
Title :

went out wip hym todae ,..haisss ,..
my heart really hurt wen i saw hym sakk ,.

Date : Sunday, August 8, 2010
Time : 9:24 AM
Title : broken heart ^^

ihate tat bitch !!!

kawl herself my frewn ?? nahh ,..
all she ever does is flirt wip my boify or ex ,..
cn't she ever stop it ??!

got to noe tat she flirt arnd wip my boify ,..
she kissed my boify !!!! fuckinq bitch !!!
i dun qoo arnd andd kiss ur boify perh !!
u wn't like it if i did perhh!
ahcal sak ??
aqu taq pernah buwart pape pt kaw sakk ,.
slame niq aqu anqqap kaw mcm kwn andd niq ape aqu dpt alek ??
naseb baek boify aqu yq blq aqu sak ,. lau taq aqu taqkn tawu pape siol!!!
buto uhhh gerll!!..,
aqu benci kaw sial!!
kaw naq dqn boify aqu cqt kns ???
qoo ahead ,. aqu sanqqop sak kaci kaw ,,. amek jerr!!
tuhh pown lau dher naq uhh ,.,.

dahq uhh ,.
binqet uhh ,.
naq gyk isap rkok dulu ,..
buhbye ,.,

Date : Saturday, August 7, 2010
Time : 12:52 AM
Title :

jus pics of me ,..

  • The Girl, BinaSiow.

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    I'am Sabrina. Bina will do.
    I love being crazy all the times.
    I'm a good girl with bad habits.
    & i'm friendly people! :D

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