You Keep Me Going Crazy.
Date : Saturday, July 24, 2010
Time : 5:38 PM
Title :

I jus read his bloq ,, it made Me cry rememberinq the old tymes ,,.

I kept thinkinq to myself ,, y must tis happen ?? Does he deserve me,??
I'm a bitch ,, His a kind guy,, I'm jus afraid of hurtinq him !!!!
He may hve hurt me but like I sae nobody is perfect ,, we have too forgive and forget ,,, people do make mistakes ,, and tats part of lyfe ,,,

i still remember all those memories tat we spent toqether ,, the first tyme we met was on 3/05/10 ,, haisss,,.
We did gud thinqs toqether ,,. We did bad thinqs toqether too ,,
it's hard too leave all those memories behind ,,,
how I wished those memories would jus stay !!!!

Imissu Teddy !!!!! U really do !!! I jus wanna hug u like old tymes,,.
While type-inq all this ,, my tears jus keeps on rollinq down from my cheeks ,,,
imysm!! Imysm !! Imysm !! Imysm !! Imysm !! Imysm !! Imysm !!

Date : Thursday, July 22, 2010
Time : 12:45 PM
Title : Haissss

Heysss peeps ,,
It's been ages since I bloqqed..,

many thinqs has happen ,, gud and bad ,,.

I jus read his bloq,, he wrote a post about me,, OMG !!
I do have too admit,, I still do missh hym alrite ,, I missh those happy moment and maje2 moments wip hym cheyy ,,
y must all tat shit come in between ??? Haissss,,
he still love me,, I feel soo bad towards hym,,
y must I alwaes hurt others ?? Y just i alwaes be tat biatch ?!!
Ihate myself sakk !!! I'm a total biatch !!!!!!!
Haisss ,, got notynk more too say for now ,,
I jus cn't cleep ,, jus thinkinq about everythinq cheyyy,, it hurts me ,,,
I guess I deserved it !!!

  • The Girl, BinaSiow.

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    I'am Sabrina. Bina will do.
    I love being crazy all the times.
    I'm a good girl with bad habits.
    & i'm friendly people! :D

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