You Keep Me Going Crazy.
Date : Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Time : 7:21 PM
Title :

'' i've not been updating my blog ,, sowie ... jus been buzzie wip stuff .. now tat my boify is away fer 3 daes ,, i'm startinq too misshh hym !! ilovehym soo much lahqq! iloveu bbyboi !!!!

Date : Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Time : 12:46 AM
Title :

Date : Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Time : 5:41 PM
Title : i'm back..

been buzzie wip exams ,, skwel ,, frewns,, boify ...
hardly had enough tyme for myself..haiss,,
luckily i'm on suspension ,, cnn finish off my 4 prep boards by fridae which i hve my art exam..
it's fun not goink too skwel but wen i tynk back abt my future,, it lyke as if i'm throwing it jus lyke tat ..

my frewns alwaes encourage me too study,, dun gve-up in lyfe..
their encouragement never fails too cheer me up..
having them alwaes by my side is wonderful.
i cnn live wipout my boify but not my FREWNS !!
frewns are more important too me ..

ilove my bitches soo muchh !!!

  • The Girl, BinaSiow.

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    I'am Sabrina. Bina will do.
    I love being crazy all the times.
    I'm a good girl with bad habits.
    & i'm friendly people! :D

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