You Keep Me Going Crazy.
Date : Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Time : 9:13 AM
Title : Updating jeqq

hope u enjoyed uhq ehq..

btw too my bby,, thankx fer the pink carebear !!

Date : Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Time : 11:49 PM
Title :

having fun wip my babies gerls...
will b uploading our pics together..

Date :
Time : 9:29 PM
Title :

i cwiusly dun understand ppl tis daes..
y spam ppls blog ??
ade utang atau hal dgn kte bleyy bbl dpan2 pehh..
haisss. hairan sak aqu..
bler aqu fanatic owang taq suke bheyy aqu tukar jadyk frewnly jus for my frewns which gone tru many obsticles wip me..
dhenn now ppl still hate me eventhough i'm frewnly..
gerek cheyy.
dahh lahqq for all i knoe i love my besties soo much !!
btw too spammers,,
i'm sowie if i did anitink wrong to u last tyme..
hope u forgive me ayteee..

andd to my boify !!
smaken hari smaken u buwart i benci u !!!

andddd too mamat ! hehehs
i misshh youhhh bnyk cgt !
bkn mamat yishun ehc..

i LOVE "Biol" andd 'Bonchx" !!

  • The Girl, BinaSiow.

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    I'am Sabrina. Bina will do.
    I love being crazy all the times.
    I'm a good girl with bad habits.
    & i'm friendly people! :D

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