You Keep Me Going Crazy.
Date : Monday, January 25, 2010
Time : 3:18 AM
Title :

' nariw pheyy penat siot ..
' kwn aqu asyik2 kene sampok jeqq..
' lps dahh kuwa kn agyk satuhh akan masok..
' dahh naq masok 10 kali sak dher kene sampok ..
' bende dher degil naq maposshh siot ,, my kwn2 yg laen pown naek binget..
' i jus chill jeqq ,, naq marah2 wartpe cheyy bukan yg dher purposely knss ..
' in my skwel ader bnyk bende yg kotor sak..
' tyme naq nyanyi national anthem aqu nmpk cikpon ,, bilerhh naq dudok aqu nmpk pocong..
' pt asembly tyme pown nmpk dua cikpon pt atas hall.. not only me yg nmpk my kwn agyk satuhh pown nmpk..
' tapy naq takot wartpe cheyy ..? dahq biase pown nmpk agyk2 pown niq sume dibina oleh tuhan pehq .. tetap tuhan yg paling BESAR daripada bende2 tuhh sume ..

' kla gtg ..
' naq wart homewerk uhq.. teehee.

Date : Sunday, January 24, 2010
Time : 1:02 AM
Title :

' the innocent me hunney ,, iloveyouhh Humaidy hubby !

' i drink till i drop aytee..
' was taken yesterdae !! teeeheee..

Date : Thursday, January 21, 2010
Time : 11:35 PM
Title :

' jus came back home ..
' spent tyme slacking wif the new bdk2 622..
' tersempak wif my member dulu named "firdaus".
' he has change soo much sak !!
' maken mcm the matrep yg fanatic siot..
' tibe2 his member2 yg baru2 suem crik psl wip my frewns sak ,, maner taq binget cheyy.
' i jus dok diam2 at one side .. nanaq jadyk one of the minah yg fanatic ..
' his frewns sume wanna act maner nyee besar jeqq mentah2 ITE ,, age dun matters shiol.
' iiiissshh3 ,, bdk zaman skrg pikir drg own sume tempat .. (*jgn terase kaezz ,, refering to those boys*)
' fedup cheyy ,, tros ask my frewns sume gyk tempat laen sudah ,, taqmau layan bdk2 YP!!
' kla will cntinue ..
' naq kuwa gyk jln2..
' toodles.

Date : Monday, January 18, 2010
Time : 1:52 AM
Title :

' sowie long tyme not updated aytezz.
' been bzz wip my art homework ,, but enjoying it at the same tyme ,, teehee.

' jus came back from slacking wip frewns .. there were some free show at the rc ..
' people at the age of 12 and 13 kene sampok kuda kepang nyehh bende pown i dunnoe ..
' it was abit irritating but kyut at the same tyme ,, jus imagine bdk2 at thier age kene sampok .. kyut peqq ??!!
' teeeheee..
' kla me naq tito ngantok cgt bangat ..
' btw mirsha ,, bina esk taq gyk skwel pheyy malasshh.
' but i will be picking the rest up from skwel soo pape text-ing.
' Toodles..

Date : Monday, January 11, 2010
Time : 2:11 AM
Title :

' Thankiu Asanchi for being wif me for 2 years,, '
' i lOve u guyzz bnyk2 !! '

' Biol ,,Sewel ,,Ikhaa ,,Irahh,, Jepon ,, Reen ,,Shasha '
' Bdk2 yishun ,, jurong ,,pasiris ,, bina naq ckp thankiu also.. '

' I LOVE YOUHH ALL cHyg !! '

Date : Saturday, January 9, 2010
Time : 10:58 AM
Title :

' heyloo peeps ,, jus finish goink out wif ex boify '

' all in brown at tat moment '

jus hang up wif my ex boify hassan but now soo bored soo jus tot of uploading pics

he confessed his feelings too me on the phone andd i xplain once again Y we can't be together again ,, but he still doesn't want to gve up..
he has change abit tat i hve to admit to myself ,, it was the first tyme i heard hassan crying for a gerl ,, ' Shocking cheyy '
bina pown nanges skali dgn dher coz i also dunnoe why suddenly when i heard hym cry my heart ached. mcm berslh gytuhh.

kla peeps till here got a call again from hassan.. he jus finished crying andd wanna talk to me againn ,,,

Tooodless . ((:

Date : Friday, January 8, 2010
Time : 9:26 PM
Title :

New photos are uploaded in my tagged and f's..
pls leave comments aytee,,

f's ;

Date :
Time : 6:46 PM
Title :

Hassan i really hope u dpt bace niq ..

I reject u smlm bukan psl i benci u or i naq saketkann haty u.
i'm afraid tat i might not be able to love u lyke how i used too,,
many things has happen too me ever since we hve not been together.
ur heart is too gud for a gerl lyke me to break it ..
i btol2 harap yg u phm pwasaan i ..
i dun mind if ur willing to wait for me but it's better u dun cause there plenty of gerls out there which can treat u better dhen i do..

bina btol2 harap hassan phm wat i'm goink thru ..
pape hassan text-ing bina jeqq..
bina akan ttp sayankkn hassan sebgai kwn kaezz.
jgn i dpt tawk u buwart bende bodow ..

Date : Thursday, January 7, 2010
Time : 6:18 PM
Title :


been sick for lyke 2 days already,, missed alot and alot of my lessons..
yesterday went to polly dhen i got referral letter to SGH for an opperation..
after goink to the polly i went walk2 wif my frewns at northpoint..
andd on tat day itself they got their pay.. Teeeheee..
dhen we go eat2 together2..
my frewn bought carlsberg but me never drink coz i only stick to liquior only aytee .
after eat2 liao we go power9 ,, my frewn want blaja me pierce nose soo okae lahqq..
walk2 again till 8 pluss dhen go home coz tired liao..

haisss i really enjoyed my tyme yesterday but never get too see my one andd only eddie/eddy
I misshh hym siow ..

Date : Monday, January 4, 2010
Time : 2:35 AM
Title :

People get tis clear kaezzz.....


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    I'am Sabrina. Bina will do.
    I love being crazy all the times.
    I'm a good girl with bad habits.
    & i'm friendly people! :D

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